Piquant Security

Canine Unit

Our canine unit at Piquant Security is equipped to render a complete security service to our clients. We provide canine Unit services to a number of customer specific requirements that include general patrolling, human scent tracking, detection for narcotics, explosives, ammunition, and general cargo screening.

Our canine unit is uncompromising when it comes to quality bred dogs and the comprehensive training of our canine handlers. World-wide statistics have confirmed the efficacy and cost efficiency of using canine units to reduce and prevent crime. Their heightened sense of smell, hearing and sheer presence, are proven to deter would be criminals.

Piquant Security is in collaboration with ZanMarheimK9 Canine provider. Our canine unit is registered with the safety and security Sector education training authority (SASSETA) and operates within the prescribes of the Animals Protection Act.